We Help Our Clients To Grow Their Business

STALPPHIANN Group Limited (SGL) is a company that offers all consultancy and technical services under one roof. We are committed to availing all service providers at the comfort of your house and office. The group takes pride in one of the world’s most secure system that service providers and clients can interact, request for services, advance the service providers contacts, make payments, get services offered and the service providers get paid for the services they have offered. The group secures both the service provider and the client in that we continuously monitor the services being offered by the service provider and also ensure that the clients pay for the services provided.

3 Easy Steps to Get Started

  • Understand Financial Statements
  • Explore Business Performance
  • Level Up with our Help


  • Compliance Audit
  • Performance Audit
  • Financial Audit
  • Reports

Business Management

  • End-To-End Management
  • Payroll Management
  • Employee Management
  • SMM

IT Solutions

  • Web Development
  • Data Analytics
  • IT Consulting
  • SaaS (Software as a Service)

Our Story

How to get started


Company started



Reached 1k+ Customers



Increased Staff



95% Client Satisfaction


Our Expertise

We are master in Financial Advisory, Audit & IT Solutions

Business Management95%
IT Solutions95%
Payroll Management88%
Tax Compliance70%
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